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Welcome to our website. This client focused consultancy was established in 1991 by Hilary Barnard and has worked with an extremely broad cross-section of clients in the corporate, professional, public service and charity sectors, and agencies and partnerships working across sectors.

Here we offer you insights into how we can help you and your organisation meet future goals and challenges. Read More >>


The age of the ultra detailed deliberate strategy is over; but organisations still require long term direction, vision and advice.

HBMC's starting point is that leadership can be found, encouraged and developed not only in the Board and the executive team but throughout the organisation.   Read More >>


HBMC brings significant experience in co-producing successful change programmes, supporting leaders and organisations through these processes. 

We understand how important it is to reflect organisational values, not only at the end of the process but equally while change is effected.  Read More >>


Effective governance is the bedrock of strong organisational performance. 

HBMC’s work fosters the capabilities of Boards to provide strategic and generative leadership alongside the essential exercise of their fiduciary duties.  Read More >>


Our impact research and evaluation could be of a whole organisation, a new project or a theme; it may also profile successes or challenges of investments made.  

We will work with you from the outset, scoping the work, advising on ways of increasing impact and evaluating the effectiveness of services.  



Being an effective Chief Executive or senior manager is a big ask. A senior role can be a lonely or uncertain place, particularly if you are new in the post. It is often not possible within your organisation to find the committed, reflective support you need. 

Our executive coaching and mentoring service offers invaluable, confidential space to help you explore effective ways of realising your intentions and potential.  Read More >>


HBMC has worked for over 140 organisations, including Local Authorities, Health Authorities/ PCTs, institutions of higher education, a range of consortia, partnership bodies and professional organisations, a number of small firms and over 60 national, regional and local organisations in the voluntary, arts, housing and community regeneration sectors.